(Integrity Value Experience #2)
How can I improve my personal integrity?
I think that a lot of times I have more integrity when it comes to others than myself. If I sign up for something, or say I will do something, then it will get done. I really don't lie to others, and try to be honest in all my doings. Sometimes I wonder if I'm treating myself with that same integrity. I'll set goals for myself, promise myself I will do something, then I fail more often than not. Somehow I'm okay letting myself down and not following through, but I'd never intentionally let anyone else down. This does trickle down into my family, however, which is really disturbing and worthy of a change! My house doesn't get clean, my dishes and laundry don't get done, the great ideas for teaching the kids get pushed aside because of various reasons... like I'm tired, or there's something else I'd rather be doing. But if I promised to make dinner for someone else, I'd never call and say, "sorry, I got too tired..."
I'd like to develop the habit of doing what I say I'm going to do in regards to myself, my own goals, etc. Maybe it's being more organized and seeing it through. Maybe it's making more realistic goals so I can achieve them.
I'm going to pray about how I can start this week. I've been feeling impressed to do this for some time now, but this Value Experience has kicked it into gear! I love personal progress!
I'm going to start with a chore chart... for myself!! Yikes!! My husband will be proud...
My Future Generation...
8 years ago