Previous to this date:
I had interviewed at Loma Linda University, Midwestern University and Boston University and had been accepted to only BU. In addition, BU was requesting a deposit of $3,000 to hold my seat. Erin and I had been praying ever so earnestly to for either LLU or MWU to let us know ASAP so we could make a decision and not have to loose any money.
Here is what happened:
At 8am I received a phone call from Dr. Polk at MWU. He invited me to join the entering dental class of 2011 of Midwestern University. We had already sent the check to BU just 3 days earlier. We had the thought that if BU wasn't the place for us to go that we could still cancel the check. So we decided to pray about it! I said the first prayer asking our father in heaven which dental school we should attend... realizing heavenly father would never give an answer to a prayer that easily (thereby robing us of our opportunity of trail and faith) I ended the prayer and said to Erin "That's never going to work." "Let me try again and tell heavenly father that we feel that we should let Boston go and go to AZ and see how we feel about that"
After the prayer, I felt uneasy or unsure... but Ers said the thought came to her mind
"This is the opportunity to save the money you have been praying about."
I was very intrigued because this was not the response I had received at all. We then decided that she would pray in the same manner and I would try to listen to the spirit. She did and I felt a peace come over me that solidified what she had felt and thought.
Thus we cancelled the check to Boston and have no doubt we're on the path the Lord would have us be on. What an amazing blessing prayer is. The capacity to communicate with our heavenly father truly is a blessing and one that blesses our lives with faith and love!!
- Jordan
My Future Generation...
8 years ago
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