Saturday, October 20, 2012

Integrity Value Project

Value Project:
Having integrity means to keep your commitments.  Identify and keep your commitments to others as you participate as a member of a team or organization or in a leadership osition in your school or community.

I chose my CALLING in Young Women to complete this Value Project.  At first, I thought it was a bit of a cop out.  But then I remembered all the hours, all the prayers, all the meetings, all the wonderful leaders... this is NO cop out!

Having a calling in the church is probably one of the biggest examples of making a commitment and keeping it!  Sometimes I think it can be easier to keep commitments to other organizations, because the church and the members can be so forgiving and understanding.  But keeping commitments to church callings bring far more blessings than keeping commitments to other organizations, though we WILL be blessed for showing integrity no matter.

I haven't been perfect. There are times I forget to pray for the girls.  There are times I selfishly direct a lesson in the way I want it to go, instead of praying for what is best for the girls.  There are times I wanted to watch So You Think You Can Dance instead of going to mutual.  But as I've tried to be consistent, keep the girls in my thoughts and prayers, tried to be an example, and tried not to miss ANYTHING just because I didn't feel like it, I can honestly say I have been so blessed to have this calling.  The girls teach me by their example.  They invigorate me as I remember what it is like to be that age, and how important it is.  They flatter me by letting me into their lives and making me feel hip, even though I'm just an ol' lady now!

Taking a calling in the church requires diligence, integrity, and hard work.  I'm grateful I've been able to spend FAR more than 10 hours on this project and even more to come.  I'm so blessed to be a part of the Young Women's program of the church!!

Rewards of PERSONAL integrity...

As said in my last post, I made a CHORE CHART.  It was pretty hard core!  I've been doing it for 4 weeks now and.... It's making a HUGE difference!!  They are small goals a day.  But when I show INTEGRITY to myself, keep my own commitments, not only do things get done, but I feel a sense of accomplishment and a new LOVE for myself.  I think women have a hard time LOVING themselves (in the good way... not a prideful way) and I'm able to concentrate on my strengths while improving my weaknesses.  But on top of that, I think the biggest difference if feeling the SPIRIT in my home!!  OH how I hate to admit that doing having the laundry done and house clean coordinates with the SPIRIT... but it does!  We have more time as a family and less chaos.  I hope to continue to be true to myself, keep my own commitments, and keep the spirit in my home!

PP: Integrity #2