Sunday, October 30, 2011


Well, I wasn't great keeping up with recording how I am striving to remember my Savior each day for two weeks!! I went of vacation and it all went out the door.  Here is to second chances:

Friday Oct 28th:  attended Trunk or Treat and contributed soup!  I really IS important to be involved in church activities!

Saturday Oct 29th:  Prepared YW lesson on 'loving yourself and others.'  I spent several hours on the preparation because it really hit home with me.  I felt so close to the Savior as I learned, again, that to love yourself means to know WHO YOU ARE.  And that is a Child of God!

Sunday Oct 30th:  Conducted family home evening on "the Holy Ghost" just in time for Halloween.  I realized it was the first time I've talked to Olive about the Holy Ghost.  How do you teach a three year old about the holy ghost?  We felt the spirit. She really listened.  It's such a miracle to watch little ones take in new concepts!  I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost to testify of truth, to guide me to do the right things, and to watch over and protect my family.  He testifies to me that Jesus IS the Christ!

Well... that makes a weeks worth.  Lets see if I can be more consistent this week!  I want to think of his EXAMPLE in the way I conduct myself in my home this week, and then focus on his atonement when I don't conduct myself very well.  This week is keep my temper week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Taking His Name Upon Me...

Doing some personal progress again here!  The Diving Nature Experience 4 wants us to memorize the sacrament prayer and then do something each day to be "willing to take upon them the name of thy son, and always remember Him.."  I'm so grateful for this challenge.  It reminds me of the reason I started this blog with Elder Eyring's example of recognizing the hand of the Savior in our lives each day.

Here's a few things that have helped me remember my Savior this week, helped me grow, and hopefully take His name upon me:

Sunday:  I was asked to sing in church.  It's been a while and a first in this ward.  I feel like people know I'm from New York, I'm an actor, and in my head, I'm SURE they're expecting me to be spectacular. I started fretting because, well, it's tough to be spectacular.  But I quickly realized my head was in the WRONG place.  There were no expectations but to bare my testimony through song, which was my favorite way to do it.  I felt the spirit as I sang.  Heavenly Father heard my prayers to forget myself and helped me feel the spirit of the song.  It was "Abide With Me" and I felt that he DID abide with me as I sang.  I'm so grateful I was able to feel the spirit and take his name upon me, instead just do a performance.  (there was also a great talk about pride... obviously I needed that too!)

Monday:  I had a wonderful spiritual experience/humbling experience as I was running on monday.  I decided  to share it on blog HERE.

Tuesday:  Olive had her first "dance recital"!  I felt like a real MOM!  I know these are the joys spoken of in The Family: The Proclamation to the Word.  I was so grateful to be a mom when I watched her whirl and twirl!

Wednesday:  I've made a new resolution to, once again, be better and meaningful scripture study!  PP helps!! as usual.  I'm excited to report daily on how I'm striving to remember my Savior every day!  I also memorized the sacrament prayer for the bread!  Can't believe I've never done that before.  It's amazing.