Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"He dies..."

Tuesday March 23, 2010

(I don't mean this to be irreverent, you know how kids are)

We've had a hard time doing Family Home Evening on Mondays because the Mr. doesn't get home until 9pm. I've felt really inspired lately to make sure we include Olive and make FHEs for her now that she is old enough to understand. We decided to do FHE on a different night, Friday.. but we keep forgetting. It'll take awhile to establish a pattern that we remember I think. So you can see we had it on Tuesday.

I wanted to do an Easter Lesson and threw it together really quickly thanks to the blogs "A Little Off the Top" and "The Family Home Evening Spot" (check it out! SO quick and fast! Mormon bloggers... the best.) I threw it together and as we started I wondered if Olive would really get it. I've been talking about the Easter Bunny and candy, but haven't even mentioned Jesus Christ and the resurrection. This was the first time she would be hearing it. Also, the story involves things like... death. Does she even know what that means?

Well to my surprise she listened and participated very intently (thanks for the visual aids bloggers!) and after I went through the story I thought we'd review to see what she learned. I said (with my aid) "Here is Jesus, and what happens?"

Olive, with a very sad and concerned face (possible the face I made while telling the story) says, "awwww... he dies"

I guess she got it! As for the "He is Risen part"... maybe not so much


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